Difference Between Member's Account and Member's Profile

The Member's Account view and Member's Profile view are very different within the Gotedo Software.

Member's Account View

The Member's Account view shows all the account information of a member. The account details of a member holds information pertaining to the member's access to your church backend. The following details can be seen in the account view:

  1. Membership ID,
  2. Account ID,
  3. Full name,
  4. Primary (login) email address,
  5. Login status,
  6. Account activation status,
  7. Email verification status,
  8. Lifetime login amount,
  9. Time of last login,
  10. Time of account activation, email verification, last password change, account creation, account update, etc.

You can quickly switch from a member's account view to the profile view by clicking Actions from the Top Actions bar and clicking View Member's Profile.

Member's Profile View

The Member's Profile view shows the complete profile information about a member. The Profile View is divided into tabs. The following information can be seen in the profile view:

  1. Profile Details Tab. The profile details shows basic profile information such as names, gender, phone numbers, nationality, state of origin, date of birth, etc.
  2. Address Records Tab. The Address Records contain address groups such as current address, permanent address, home congregation address, former place of worship address.
  3. Baptismal Record Tab. The Baptismal Record contains the baptismal information of the member such as where the member was baptised, date of baptism, etc.
  4. Work Record Tab. The Work Record contains the occupational information of the member such as primary and secondary occupation and work address.
  5. Next of kin Record Tab. The Next of Kin Record contains the next of kin details of the member.
  6. Marital Record Tab. The Marital Record contains the marital information of the member such as name of spouse, date of marriage, marriage status, number of children, etc.
  7. Service Involvement Tab. The Service Involvement tab shows the involvement of the member in church activities such as the dates the member attended service (if he or she was captured in the attendance submodule of the service module) and the activities the member has been assigned to perform in the Service Activities section of each service.